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  • Do you offer wholesale or bulk pricing?
    SEEDS We do not currently offer wholesale or bulk seeds at discounted prices. We hope to offer wholesale/bulk seed in the future when we are able to collect enough of a surplus to allow for reasonable prices. We may occasionally offer seed at quantities above what we generally offer on our website, which you will be able to find in our “limited stock specials” category in our store. We do offer seeding project management and curation as a contracted service if you need extra help designing a species list and sourcing larger quantities of seed for a project. Feel free to inquire about this service and larger quantities of species not found on the website at PLANTS We do offer wholesale pricing of our container plants for partners, restoration projects, or when we have a large surplus of a species. We prefer to offer our wholesale pricing through contracted grow outs, but if you’d like to see what we have in stock for immediate pickup you can inquire with
  • What is your recommended seeding rate? How much seed do I need for an area of x square feet or x acres?
    We recommend seeding at a rate of 10-20 lbs per acre, if an even cover revegetation is desired. To calculate your acreage determine square footage of space by multiplying the length (ft) x width (ft) of the area you’d like to seed. Divide 43,560 (the # of square feet in an acre) by this number. This will give you the number of acres you are trying to seed, which can be used to determine the appropriate amount of seed according to our recommended seeding rate.
  • How do I apply seed?
    Most native seed calls to be planted at a ¼- ½ ” depth. You can achieve this by bulking up your seed with sandy soil before application (this also helps to ensure the seed is not all dropped in one location!). The seed can then be further incorporated into the topsoil after application using a rake or a dragged piece of fencing. Break-up compacted soils prior to applying native seed. If the soil is heavy clay or fine-textured, consider amending topsoil with a sandy material for better establishment success. Apply an appropriate amount of mulch (consider seeding depth) to control weeds and help trap moisture. Native grass hay is the best mulch for large areas that are to be seeded. See our document, “Applying Native Seed in Arid Southwest Ecosystems” in the resources section of this website.
  • When should I sow seeds?
    Seed may be applied year round, but growth will happen mostly during the summer for warm-season plants (that do most of their growing in the spring and summer, then flower with the monsoons), and fall-spring for cool-season grasses (that do most of their growing in the fall and winter then flower in the spring). If you are going to wait to sow your seeds, just remember not to leave them in a hot car or stash them in a place where they may get wet or get eaten by insects or mice. For more information about germinating forbs, see the document, “Forb Germination Guide” in the resources section of this website.
  • Are your plants organically grown?
    Yes! We are not certified organic but do not use synthetic pesticides or herbicides.
  • What soil mix do you use?
    Our soil mix is an equal mix of cinder sand, coco chips, compost, and perlite that we purchase from Tank’s Green Stuff, and that we’re always slightly changing. Thanks for the recipe Steve Plath of Gila Watershed Partnership!
  • Can I produce bacanora or agave spirits in the United States and can you help?
    Todo el bacanora es de Sonora! Because of bacanora’s Denomination of Origin you cannot produce agave spirits in the U.S. Agave spirits products are becoming more popularized in the U.S. and we advocate production that is sustainable, ethical, and culturally intelligent, always leaving some flower for bats. We work to with friends across the border to preserve agaves for migrating bats and advocate for sustainable production in Mexico.
  • Do you sell oak acorns?
    If we have extra acorns for sale we’ll put them on the website. If you’d like to contract us to collect acorns for you, send us an email!
  • What plants do I not have to water?
    This is a trick question. You must always water container plants when you first plant them and then often supplement water in the first few years of growth depending on rainfall. Many species are drought tolerant and adapted for our landscapes and can be weaned off irrigation after a few years. But not all plants.
  • What is different about buying plants and seed from us versus big box nurseries?
    Our plants are grown in a small, watershed scale native plant program where each seed was hand collected by our team of restoration practitioners using ethical seed collection protocols for wild collection. Most of our native plants and seeds are used in restoration projects in our regional wildlands and the excess is sold retail to help support the Native Plant Program. Our container plants are grown without pesticides to ensure the safety of the pollinators in our ecosystem. Each plant and seed you purchase helps support the mission of Borderlands Restoration Network and assists other native plant programs to access helpful information and resources in both the U.S. and Mexico. What other reasons do you need?
  • What plants do you recommend for hummingbirds and butterflies?
    As pollinating hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies fly along their migratory routes, they need to refuel. Pollinator gardens are like gas stations, providing much needed fuel to travelers and local residents alike. Pollinators have evolved with native plants and these relationships are complex and fantastic, providing great opportunity for learning and connecting to the natural world. Planting pollinator gardens creates critical habitat, invites these amazing creatures into our backyards, and enriches our lives. Strategies for designing pollinator gardens: Combine container plantings and seedings to provide reliable yearly nectar sources and long term habitat structure. Eliminate nectar gaps: Plant species that bloom in succession and that bloom for long periods of time. Ideally, there is something blooming during every month of the year, with a variety of floral colors and shapes that may appeal to different pollinators. Maintaining nectar forage is critical for supporting migratory pollinators such as Monarchs, Bats, and Hummingbirds as they stop for food throughout their journey. Consider the caterpillar: Many species of butterflies require specific host plants in their larval stage. Including larval host/food plants in your pollinator garden will guarantee you a good butterfly show! Keep it messy: Bees and other insects depend on garden debris for protection, warmth, and breeding. Leaving mulch debris, old/rotting wood, upturned flowerpots, or “insect hotels” in your garden can help them survive and reproduce.
  • Other questions?
    Email with any other questions or comments you may have!
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