We couldn't do what we do without the helping hands that assist us along the way. Volunteering is a wonderful way to contribute to the health and well-being of the borderlands and help support the work of Borderlands Restoration Network! See below for our regular volunteer opportunities and be sure to sign-up on our volunteer list to be notified when a special project comes up!

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9AM - Noon, year round
​Spend your morning at the BRN Native Plant Nursery with a great group of plant lovers propagating native plants. Bring water, and be prepared to get your hands in the dirt and ready for some outdoor work.
Contact ​horticulture@borderlandsrestoration.org to sign-up.

​Mondays 9AM - Noon
Join us at the BRN Seed Lab for a morning of seed lab activities! Help us clean the native seeds that we have collected from the area and be part of the restoration process, as well as help with germination testing, seed sowing, seed packing, seed pelletization, and more.
Please bring a mask for respiratory protection as the work can be dusty, ​water/snacks, and a long-sleeve over shirt to protect from dust irritation. Seed cleaning is all indoors with outdoor options.
​Contact horticulture@borderlandsrestoration.org to sign-up.